Monday, May 5, 2008

A cavity

There is this horrible side effect of taking Zometa or any bisphosphonates called osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ.) After the Z-pac in the previous post made me sick I was taken off it. I was still having this horrible sinus and face pain. I took some Sudefed to dry things up and still face pain. It was getting worse.

Well if you ever look up ONJ on the internet have a barf bag ready because it is pretty gross. I had absolutely made myself believe that I had it. I just knew it! In my new "mandible free" life I would not be able to talk or eat or be seen in public. I would become like that freak Michael Jackson and constantly be wearing a surgical mask. Eventually it would become a burqua. Nightmare!

Well, I went to my dentist (who rocks) and asked him "have you ever seen a case of ONJ?" He said yes he had as he had been in the Public Health Service and worked for 5 years at the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center. He said he saw it in a woman on Boniva (the Sally Field Drug.)

OKAY SO NOW I AM FREAKING OUT! I was told that Zometa is 10,000 times as strong as Boniva.

He does some probing, pushing and scratching around in my mouth that will only be with me for a short time I am sure. Blows some air and I jump out of my skin.

You have..........................a cavity. OMG I was so happy to have a cavity I can't even tell you. He eve got out the little camera that takes you inside your own mouth and showed me, "See the big brown hole by the old filling I put in? That is the cavity."

Well, the cavity was filled. I no longer have face pain and I know that me and my mandible will be together for a long, long time.

Now I will never be silenced. Too bad for you!


Lucinda said...

So I was reading your newest posts. So excited that you got to get out to a bar. I started reading about your latest pains, got to the ONJ letters and immediately opened a new window, looked up ONJ, all the while my teeth kinda started to hurt and I was reaching for my dentist' number...I am crazy, truly, but my sympathy pains are real!!!!!
Love ya tons and tons and miss you even more!

Anonymous said...

I totally know how it feels to be freaked out about your teeth! About a month ago I had to go to the dentist (I kid you not) about once a week for 4 weeks because of associated cavities and other discomforts.. luckily, just like you, it wasn't as bad as I was freaking myself out that it was :)
Glad to hear your doing well. Drop a line sometimes :)